Landscape Services

Landscape Services for ARIADNE are a set of responsive web services that include large terrain datasets generation, 3D landscape composing and 3D model processing, leveraging on powerful open-source frameworks and toolkits such as GDAL, OSGjs, OpenSceneGraph and ownCloud. Here are a few examples of 3D datasets produced by the services:

 Cloud Service

This is the main service to access, manage and eventually share your online data. This includes DEM input data, Geo-images, 3D models, etc.

Cloud Service

 3D Terrain Service

You can use this service to process DEM, geo-images and shapefiles to produce large 3D terrain Datasets optimised for real-time visualization and web streaming.

3D Terrain Service

 Terrain Gallery

View, download or delete your generated 3D Terrain datasets. You can also interactively explore a 3D dataset online and present it in your web site, through desktop browsers, smartphones or tablets.

Terrain Gallery